running an Android application on PC you need an Android Emulator on PC, this
is called as Android Virtual Device. You need to setup a Virtual Device
According to your specification. Follow this tutorial to setup a Android
Virtual Device.
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Android-Settingup-AVD-Tutorial-Image1 |
Android Virtual Device Manager(AVD) from Eclipse(marked 1 in image1) or from
Let me say something about the image
- New Button – For creating new Virtual Device
- Device Name – Name for the Vitual Device
- Device – Here the screen Size and Resolution is specified (You can see come popular devices in this combobox and you can select them)
- Target – Android Version of your Device
- Keyboard, Skin – Specifies whether Hardware Keyboard is present in your device, Skin specifies whether your device comes with hardware controls
- Back camera – For developing camera based application you can emulate camera using web cams.
- Memory Options – Specifies the RAM, Internal Storage, SD Card (I hope You are familier with this terms)
Follow this steps to Set Up Android Virtual Device
- 1. Open Android Virtual Device Manager(AVD) from Eclipse(marked 1 in image1) or from Folder.
- 2. Click New
- 3. Give a Name for your Android Virtual Device
- 4. Select your device
- 5. Select the Target of your Virtual Device (If you dont find yor version, download it using SDK manager)
- 6. Provide the Desired Memory options
- 7. Click OK
- 8. Click Start (Below to New marked 1)
- 9. It may take some time to boot up your Virtual Device
your Virtual Device is Ready to Use.
also hope that you application in the Previous Tutorial is Ready.
Run our new Application,
The portion Marked 8 in the image1, click on the black Downward arrow.
You can See ‘Run Configurations’
You can See ‘Run Configurations’
on it, a window opens
- 1. Select New Configuration
- 2. From Browse Select Your Application “FirstApp”.
- 3. Click Targret
See the Marked Portions
- 1. Lunch all Compatable Devices /AVD (Selecting this option it will automatically picks up compatable AVD/Device). You can use your Android phone connected to PC with Enabled USB debugging the Option for Phone is ‘Device’
- 2. Or you can select an AVD you created from here.
- 3. Click RUN
- 4. Your Application will be installed in the AVD soon. (hope the AVD is still open).
Are you happy watching your First Android Application Runs?
Hope you all had a good time, see you in the next tutorial.